Before I came here I was not a kid person. They annoyed me. When they screamed, I winced. When they ran, I wanted to trip them. I did not want them in my restaurants, I did not want them touching me. So why did I move to South Korea to teach English to kindergarteners?? For adventure, for experience, for money, but now.....

Oh... how things have changed. Teaching Korean 7 year olds (in the US they would be 5/6 year olds) has really changed how I feel about small children. It may be the mothering instinct that I suppressed for so long or it could be the responsibility you feel for your class. Or it may be the fact that they are all soooooo cute, I mean seriously adorable children. But I love all my students, even the ones that are complete brats (and I have many brats).

I feel like it may not be my place to comment on these things because I have only been teaching a month and a half. However, it did not take long for me to love my students. As soon as they were put into my care, I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility for their well being. They are only children and so small, so you have to take care of them. It has been a challenge though. Going from not being around kids at all to teaching them all day, it has been hard. I will probably spend the whole year learning how to best cope with them and how I can take care of them better. (I think anybody would do the same though because in all aspects of your life you never stop learning.)
I like to think my classes warmed up to me as quickly as I warmed up to them. They are very affectionate and give me lots of hugs and cuddles. They say very nice things to me and give me pictures they draw for me and cards with cute things. It is a very rewarding job, but not easy by any means. We do lots of fun things in class (although sometimes it is hit or miss with the activities). So,
I am constantly moving around with them and lifting them (or peeling them off of my legs) so it is an all day workout. I knew it was gong to be a different lifestyle than the cubicle I was used to. But I did not know how much until I was on my feet and lifting small (but heavy) children all day.
I am sure I will have more updates about teaching as the year goes on. But I think this is a good overview of how it feels to start teaching in South Korea, specifically coming from being a person who disliked (now past tense) kids.
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