June 2014 |
So August 1st marks the one year anniversary of the day I decided to take back my health and my life. I am feeling super nostalgic, just like I did on the anniversary of my friends wedding that marked the turning point in my life that led to this starting point. This post definitely won't be as long as the last one, but I am super excited when I think about all the goals I have accomplished in just one year.
June 2014 |
So I started trying to lose weight by printing out a 30 day Ab and Butt Challenge. The first day was hell. I couldn't do a proper squat because it hurt my knees. I couldn't do a sit up because I had no core strength. On my way up I had to use any momentum I could muster, I kind of rocked from side to side just to get all the way up. I was a mess and the workout only last 5 minutes. If I remember correctly it was only 5 squats, 5 sit ups and 10 crunches for day 1, I was insanely out of shape. But I did it and I finished out the month. By the end of the month I was doing 100 squats and 50 sit ups (my form was still terrible though). I was really proud of myself for not giving up after day 1 or day 5, but I made it all 30 days. And it only increased from there. The workouts got longer and more intense with each 30 days. Now, I am doing about an hour and a half to two hour workouts a day and my fitness is the best it's been my whole life.
I remember starting day one with this humongous goal ahead of me. It was overwhelming and I really thought I would never even get close to it. The amount of weight I needed to lose was scary. However, I determined not to think of the ultimate goal and just to take my weight loss 30 days at a time. All I had to do was get through a month and there was no way the weight wouldn't come off. So I took it one month at a time. I did the 30 day challenges for activity and tried my best to eat right. I honestly didn't weigh myself until 3 months deep and at that point I had lost 30 pounds. I was very excited. Yes my goal was still very far away, but not nearly as far as it had been 30 pounds ago.
Over the last year I have lost 80 pounds but I have gained a whole new perspective on life and health. I am only 20 pounds away from my goal now and thinking about changing it to 15 pounds. I am stronger than I have ever been. I can actually throw a decent punch, which I have never been able to do. I can see muscles that I never knew existed on me. I can fit into a clothing size that, except during that short spurt of being this weight in 2011, I haven't fit into since middle school. Most importantly I have grown to love the body I was given and appreciate all it does and will do for me.
June 2015 |
July 2015 |
I celebrated my Fitaversary with actually paying for a workout routine(gasps)! I also treated myself to a few new dresses. I was hoping to be at my goal by this point, but I am not disappointed at all that I didn't make it. I know that I will continue to put in the work and eventually I will get there. So happy Fitaversary to me!
CONGRATULATIONS on your one year Fitaversary!!! What a year you've have, you look AMAZE BALLS and it sounds like you FEEL wonderful! Whoo hoo!